Things You Should Know Before Submitting Your Next Paper
主 讲 人:Prof. James E. Fowler(密西西比州立大学教授,美国电子电气工程协会IEEE Fellow,IEEE Signal Processing Letters主编)
时 间:2018年6月29日 13:30
地 点:中关村校区研究生教学楼101报告厅
James E. Fowler是密西西比州立大学电气和计算机工程系教授和研究生项目主任。他的研究兴趣包括图像处理和编码,高光谱图像,压缩感知。他发表了100多篇文章和会议论文。 Google Scholar中的引文总数约为4900次。Fowler博士是IEEE Signal Processing Letters的主编。他还是EURASIP图像和视频处理杂志的副编辑。他曾担任IEEE Transactions on Image Processing高级区域编辑和IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia副主编。他目前是数据压缩会议的宣传主席。他是IEEE的资深会员。
James E. Fowler is a Professor and Graduate Program Director of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University. His research interests include image processing and coding, hyperspectral imagery, compressed sensing. He has published more than 100 articles and conference papers. The total citation in Google Scholar is around 4900 times. Dr. Fowler is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He is also an Associate Editor for the EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. He was previously a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is currently the publicity chair of the Data Compression Conference. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
本报告将着重于成功发布科技论文中该做和不该做的事(并避免常见的错误可能导致的拒稿)。通过欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:同行评议的内部信息以及更好地理解作者所期望维护的和审稿人及编辑所寻找的学术道德标准,更顺利地引导评审流程。学习如何: 1、 公正地报告你的结果和他人的结果 2、 适当地参考并总结你以前的工作 3、 适当地描述和引用之前的工作。通过本次讲座,避免抄袭和其他无意的违反学术道德的违规行为,如重复提交,不恰当复制和文献计量处理。对于那些不熟悉IEEE出版的人来说,这个讲座具有特别的价值(且对那些已经熟悉的人也有用!)。
This presentation and discussion will focus on what to do—and what not to do—for successfully publishing a technical paper (and avoiding common mistakes that can result in a quick rejection). Navigate the review process more smoothly with insider information about peer-review and by better understanding the ethics and etiquette standards that authors are expected to uphold and that reviewers and editors are looking for. Learn how to: fairly report your results and those of others - appropriately reference and include your own previous work - appropriately describe and cite prior work. Attend this session and avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism and other inadvertent ethics/etiquette violations such as duplicate submissions, inappropriate replication, and bibliometric manipulation—all without undergoing personal traumatic experiences! This session will be of particular interest to those who are new to publishing with IEEE (but should also be useful for those who already have as well!).