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教师发展中心活动:哈佛大学哈佛学院前院长、《失去灵魂的卓越》作者Harry Lewis学术讲座

来源:   发布日期:2014-02-27
    应欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:教学促进与教师发展中心和教育研究院的邀请,哈佛大学哈佛学院前院长、《失去灵魂的卓越》一书的作者Harry Lewis访问欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:并做学术报告。
时间:3月17日 上午9:30-12:00
The Moral Mission of American Higher Education
Professor Lewis will deliver two lectures on higher education. In the first talk he will sketch the history of American higher education, and how it was from the beginning (that is, from the founding of Harvard College in 1636) at least as much about civic and moral purposes as it was about skill training and economic development. Those civic and moral ideals for higher education have been challenged in recent years, and Professor Lewis will explain how issues of purpose may be resolved in the future. These matters are of critical importance today, as the U.S. feels economic competition globally and from China in particular, at the same time as many Chinese students seek higher education in the U.S. and many U.S. universities seek international talent and revenue.
时间:3月17日 下午2:30-4:30
    Harry Lewis教授为我们描述了即将来临的大学层面教学法的改革,不是MOOC的影响,而是如何从传统的讲授到主动学习,以小组为单位,师生充分的合作与交流。他将从自己亲身构建新型课程的教学经验和体会出发,讲述如何玩转这样的“反转课堂”。
Reinventing the Classroom in the Information Age
In his second lecture, Professor Lewis will describe a coming revolution in university-level pedagogy. Not the MOOC revolution, but a revolution in the use of the classroom. Far less time will be spent lecturing (since the Internet can be used for mere information transmission), and far more time on “active learning,” team-based, collaborative, interactive engagement of teachers and students. He will describe in some detail his own experience creating and teaching such a “flipped classroom” course, in discrete mathematics for computer science.
Harry Lewis教授简介:
    Harry Lewis是哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院计算机科学专业的约旦•麦凯教授(一种荣誉教授头衔),从教40年。1968年在哈佛大学获得学士学位,1973年获得硕士学位,1974年获得博士学位。博士毕业后,他一直任教于哈佛大学。1995年-2003年,他被任命为哈佛大学哈佛学院院长。在这个岗位上,他对本科生教育和通识教育有了深刻的理解与思考。基于此,他撰写了《失去灵魂的卓越--哈佛大学是如何忘记它的使命的》一书,影响广泛。
Harry Lewis is Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, where he in his fortieth year of teaching. He created the undergraduate computer science degree program at Harvard and has helped launch many thousands of Harvard students towards careers in the field. Among the giants of the computer industry he taught while they were Harvard students are both Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. 
Professor Lewis holds the degrees of AB (1968), AM (1973), and PhD (1974), all from Harvard University in Applied Mathematics. He joined the Harvard faculty in 1974 and served as Dean of Harvard College from 1995–2003. His teaching, research, and writing have ranged across a variety of fields: mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, the impact on society of the digital information explosion, the role of sports in American society, and the future of higher education. His most recent books are Excellence Without a Soul; Does Liberal Education Have a Future? and Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion. Both of these books have been translated into Chinese and have appeared in editions published in China.
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哈佛大学哈佛学院前院长Harry 讲座报名表(请务必发送至cfd@bit.edu.cn)
























