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欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:申请Erasmus Mundus工程流变学硕士项目的通知

来源:   发布日期:2009-01-13

  Erasmus Mundus项目是由欧盟资助的合作奖学金项目。通过支持欧洲一流大学与世界其它国家和地区大学的合作(联合开设硕士、博士课程),增强欧洲高等教育在世界范围内的吸引力,促进不同文化的对话和交流。Erasmus Mundus项目为来自欧盟及其他国家的学生提供各种奖学金。

  工程流变学硕士课程(EURHEO - European Masters in Engineering Rheology)是Erasmus Mundus项目第二阶段所推出的硕士项目之一,由葡萄牙著名学府米尼奥大学(University of Minho)牵头,欧洲其他6所高校共同参与。Erasmus Mundus项目将为欧盟以外国家和地区的留学生提供21,000欧元的奖学金/人/年,可用来缴纳学费、国际旅费以及生活费等。


  专业背景要求: 工程(尤其是机械工程、化学工程)、物理、化学、数学、生物等学科优先。



EURHEO - European Masters in Engineering Rheology is one of the Masters Course selected by the European Commission within the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme in 2008 and the Call for Applications for its 2nd edition (2009/2010) is already open. Students from outside the European Union can apply for excellent Erasmus Mundus grants.
EURHEO aims at offering a pioneer advanced education programme on Rheology and its applications to different Engineering areas. EURHEO combines the expertise of seven leading European Universities in the field of Rheology and the syllabus is designed to provide its graduates with the necessary competences to understand the relevance of Rheology in Materials Science and Engineering and apply the knowledge gained in solving real-world Engineering problems both autonomously and included in multidisciplinary research teams.

The Masters Course will have a duration of 120 ECTS credits, or 2 academic years, using English as the primary language of instruction with French and Spanish as secondary languages.

In the first year the students will take the Primary Studies Programme in one of six partner Universities according to their background and area of election. This first year is designed to give students a strong basic education in the different areas of Materials Science and Engineering to which Rheology is directly relevant

The second year will consist in an the Integrated Studies Programme, taken at a different University from that where the student attended in the first year; initially there will be general courses on the main areas of application of Rheology, these being designed to impart to students basic knowledge on Materials Science and Engineering, Instrumentation and Experimental Rheology and Theoretical and Computational Rheology. These will be followed by Advanced Topical courses that will be devoted to the in depth study of particular areas of Rheology that are of specific interest to each individual student. Finally, there will be a final R&TD project that will be geared towards scientific or industrial research. Each student will have an individually tailored study plan for the two years.

EURHEO Partner Universities are:

University of Minho, Portugal (Co-ordinating institution)
Leuven Catholic University, Belgium
Louvain Catholic University, Belgium
University of Huelva, Spain
University of Calabria, Italy
Grenoble Institute of Technology /University Joseph Fourier, France
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia