

白俄罗斯科学院Sergey Gaponenko院士和Olga Kulakovich研究员应邀到欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:进行学术交流


  7月30日上午,白俄罗斯科学院物理研究所院士Sergey Gaponenko教授和Olga Kulakovich研究员在5号教学楼502-1会议室为欧洲杯足球网_欧洲杯网投-投注|官网:材料学院师生分别作题为“Principles of Nanophotonics”“Polarized photoluminescence from CdSe nanoplatelets and quantum dots in stretched PVA films”的学术报告。该报告会系我院“21世纪学科前沿”系列学术交流活动之一。会议由材料学院李红博教授主持,材料学院30余名师生聆听此次报告。

  十年前,纳米光学被认为是一个新兴的科学领域,如今它正成为现代光电技术的活跃领域,包括显示设备、光源、激光和光通信元件。Sergey Gaponenko院士详细讲述了其主要的物理现象,即纳米光学的基础,并结合实例生动地分析它们在现有和新兴的光电器件中的应用。在许多发光结构的应用中,线性极化辐射是必要的,这很容易用激光来实现,但对于发光的光源,如LED或光转换荧光粉却很难做到。线性偏振背光辐射是LCD的器件的必要条件,在现代LCD屏幕中设计线性偏振背光源,效率可能会更高。Olga Kulakovich研究员介绍了嵌入各向异性胶态发光物的拉伸聚合物薄膜,这是在非极化光激发条件下获得极化光致发光的合理方法。Olga Kulakovich研究员生动详细地介绍了利用金纳米棒在拉伸PVA薄膜中用CdSe纳米片和量子点进行偏振光致发光的研究结果。本次报告会气氛热烈,开拓了师生们的视野,会后师生与Sergey Gaponenko教授和Olga Kulakovich研究员开展了深入细致的讨论。



  Sergey Gaponenko院士:

  Present position: Chairman and Director of the Belarussian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB); Member of the Presidium of NASB; Head of the Laboratory of Nanooptics at the B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Chairman of the Association “Lasers and Optics”, Vice-President of the Laser Association (Russia); Chair of the Council awarding PhD and Habilitation degrees in optoelectronics.

  Publications: more than 150 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and 3 books. 

  Fellowships: Guest scientist at the Universities of Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Dortmund and Arizona; Visiting professor at TU Troyes (France), Nanyang TU (Singapore), City University of Hong Kong.

  Olga Kulakovich 研究员:

  Olga Kulakovich was born in 1978, PhD in 2009 from Belarussian State University (Physical Chemistry), senior staff scientist at the B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Expert in physical chemistry of semiconductor nanocrystals and metal nanoparticles, the principal author of the pioneering paper on the first application of plasmonic effects to semiconductor nanocrystals.
